
Continuous measurement of attachment behavior: A multimodal view of the strange situation procedure

Infant Behavior and Development 2021
Emily B Prince, Arridhana Ciptadi, Yudong Tao, Agata Rozga, Katherine B Martin, James M. Rehg, Daniel S Messinger

In the Eye of the Beholder: Gaze and Actions in First Person Video

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Yin Li, Miao Liu, James M. Rehg

The mobile assistance for regulating smoking (MARS) micro-randomized trial design protocol

Contemporary Clinical Trials 2021
Inbal Nahum-Shani, Lindsey N Potter, Cho Y Lam, Jamie Yap, Alexander Moreno, Rebecca Stoffel, Zhenke Wu, Neng Wan, Walter Dempsey, Santosh Kumar, Emre Ertin, Susan A Murphy, James M. Rehg, David W Wetter

Where Are You? Localization from Embodied Dialog

EMNLP 2020
Meera Hahn, Jacob Krantz, Dhruv Batra, Devi Parikh, James M. Rehg, Stefan Lee, Peter Anderson

Attention Distillation for Learning Video Representations

BMVC 2020 (oral, acceptation rate 5.0%)
Miao Liu, Xin Chen, Yun Zhang, Yin Li, James M. Rehg

Forecasting Human-Object Interaction: Joint Prediction of Motor Attention and Egocentric Activity

ECCV 2020 (oral, acceptation rate 2.0%)
Miao Liu, Siyu Tang, Yin Li, James M Rehg

Tripping through time: Efficient Localization of Activities in Videos

BMVC 2020
Meera Hahn, Asim Kadav, James M. Rehg, Hans Peter Graf

Detecting Attended Visual Targets in Video

CVPR 2020
Eunji Chong, Yongxin Wang, Nataniel Ruiz, James M Rehg

3D Reconstruction of Novel Object Shapes from Single Images

3DV 2021, Oral
Anh Thai, Stefan Stojanov, Vijay Upadhya, James M. Rehg

Approximate Inverse Reinforcement Learning from Vision-based Imitation Learning

arXiv preprint
Keuntaek Lee, Bogdan Vlahov, Jason Gibson, James M Rehg, Evangelos A Theodorou

Locally Weighted Regression Pseudo-Rehearsal for Adaptive Model Predictive Control

CoRL 2019
Grady R Williams, Brian Goldfain, Keuntaek Lee, Jason Gibson, James M. Rehg, Evangelos A Theodorou

Classification of Decompensated Heart Failure from Clinical and Home Ballistocardiography

IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Varol Burak Aydemir, Supriya Nagesh, Md Mobashir Hasan Shandhi, Joanna Fan, Liviu Klein, Mozziyar Etemadi, James Alex Heller, Omer T. Inan, James M. Rehg

Incremental Object Learning from Contiguous Views

CVPR 2019, Oral and Best Paper Finalist
Stefan Stojanov, Samarth Mishra*, Anh Thai*, Nikhil Dhanda, Ahmad Humayun, Chen Yu, Linda B. Smith, James M. Rehg

In the Eye of Beholder: Joint Learning of Gaze and Actions in First Person Video

ECCV 2018
Yin Li, Miao Liu, James M. Rehg

SyncWISE: Window Induced Shift Estimation for Synchronization of Video and Accelerometry from Wearable Sensors

IMWUT 2020
Yun C. Zhang*, Shibo Zhang*, Miao Liu, Elyse Daly, Samuel Battalio, Santosh Kumar, Bonnie Spring, James M. Rehg, Nabil Alshurafa

Watching the TV Watchers

IMWUT 2018
Yun C. Zhang, James M. Rehg